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Full text of "Kalman Filter Performance Degradation with an Erroneous Plant Model."

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imVAL ?0B-1 T.R^vDUATS 
liC-i iERtiY, CALI? • j«33‘^';0 







Larry Blayne Nofziger 
Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy 
B.S. in Electrical Engineering 
Indiana Institute of Technology, 1954 


Gerald Lee Devins 
Lieutenant, United States Navy 
B.S. in Engineering Electronics 
Naval Postgraduate School, 1965 

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements 

for the degree of 


from the 

June 1967 


This investigation is concerned with the effects of 
employing a Kalman filter to estimate the states in a 
system for which the mathematical model is inaccurate. 
Consideration is given to both intentional and unintent- 
ional mis-identif ication of parameters in the assumed 
plant dynamics. An algorithm consisting of four matrix 
equations is derived which yields the actual covariance 
of estimation error when errors in the assumed model are 
known. Depending upon the gain sequence used, the de- 
rived equations can be used to either 1) produce optimal 
estimates when errors are deliberate or 2) aid in the 
determination of mis-identif ication costs in terms of 
filter performance degradation if the relative accuracy 
of parameter identification is known. 

Analytic examples of scalar cases are included, as 
well as computer simulations for specific higher order 
systems , including the employment of a second order filter 
model with a fourth order plant. 


MONTEREY CA 93343-5101 


Chapter 1 9 

Introduction 9 

The Plant Model 11 

The Kalman Filter 12 

The Problem Statement 15 

Chapter 2 16 

A Review of Recent Investigations 16 

Chapter 3 20 

The Problem Development 20 

The Optimum Filter 21 

The Suboptimum Filter 21 

The Actual Covariance Matrix 23 

The Recursive Calculation of Actual Covariance 26 

The Sensitivity to Errors in Plant Dynamics 28 

Examples 29 

1. The Simple Amplifier 29 

2. Integrator-Amplifier 32 

3. Low Pass Filter 38 

Chapter 4 42 

Computer Simulations 42 

a. Verification of Recursive Solution 43 

b. Example of Two-parameter Sensitivity 45 

c. Model Order Reduced by One 47 

d. Model Order Reduced by Two 

Chapter 5 









1-1 The Plant Model 13 

1-2 Kalman Filter Operations 13 

3-1 The Three Types of Calculated Covariance 22 

3-2 The Simple Amplifier 30 

3-3 Degradation for the Simple Amplifier 33 

3-4 Integrator-Amplifier 34 

3-5 Degradation for the Integrator-Amplifier 37 

3- 6 Low Pass Filter 38 

4- 1 Calculation of Filter Performance 44 


4-2 Degradation vs Parameter Error 46 

(2-Parameter Model) 

4-3 Degradation vs Parameter Error 48 

(3-Parameter Model, 1 Incorrect) 

4-4 Degradation vs Parameter Error 50 

(4-Parameter Model, 2 Incorrect) 







n X n 

Canonic matrix of state equation 



Amplification, model parameter, 
amplification and feedback 


n X m 

Input distribution matrix 


n X n 

E{x (k)x'^ (k) } 



Expected value of x 


n X p 


Optimal weighting for k observa- 


Gf (k) 

n X p 




p X n 

Observability matrix 


n X n 

Identity matrix 



Performance index, trace of 



n X n 

E{k(k/k)x'^(k) } 



Index or sequential stage 




"at k iteration given k s 

ample s" 



"predicted at (k+1)^ iteration 
given k samples" 



Number of inputs 



Number of states, order of 


n X n 

Actual covariance matrix (calculated) 

Pf( ) 

n X n 

Filter " " 


n X n 

Optimum " " 


Pe( ) 

n X n 

Ensemble average covariance 
estimation error 




Number of states observed 


n X n 







r E{u(k)u^ (k) }r^-' 

p - - p 





Measurement noise covariance matrix 





Excitation vector or input vector 





Measurement noise vector 

X (k) 





state vector at k sample 





Estimate of state vector given 
k samples 





Predicted value of x(k+l) given 
k samples 






Vector of observations at k 



General plant parameter 





Filter transmission matrix 

r (T) 







Model parameter, damping factor 





Filter state transition matrix 

^ (T) 










Covariance matrix of input 



Model parameter, natural frequency 




In recent years, a considerable portion of the litera- 
ture in the field of automatic control has been concerned 
with plant identification and state estimation. In most con- 
trol problems, it is first necessary to establish a suitable 
mathematical model of the process to be controlled in order 
to perform any meaningful analysis or synthesis. Then, if 
some sort of observation of the process is available, this 
observation along with the mathematical model, and at least 
a probabilistic description of the forcing function, pro- 
vides the necessary information to implement an estimation 
scheme which will give a measure of what the plant is doing 
at the present time, has done in the past, or will do in 
the future . 

Whenever estimation is attempted with an inaccurate 
mathematical model, the estimation accuracy must of neces- 
sity deteriorate. The investigation reported here is con- 
cerned with the degradation of estimation accuracy when an 
erroneous model of the plant dynamics is employed. 

At this point it is necessary to explain two reasons 
for not using an accurate mathematical model in the esti- 
mation scheme. The first is unintentional, a result of 
the simple fact that the mathematical model which most, 
accurately describes the plant is not known. A second pos- 
sible reason might be the deliberate employment of a low- 
order model of a more complicated plant. Because the 
mathematical involvement of most estimation schemes is 


inescapably tied to system order, much computational time 
can be saved whenever the model order can be reduced. Such 
reduction may be necessary for "real time" estimation, at 
the expense of estimation accuracy. This is assuming of 
course that in the problem at hand, estimates of the higher 
order states are not needed. 

The three "tenses" of estimation mentioned above are 
known as filtering, smoothing, and prediction, respectively. 
In current practice "what the plant is doing" is described 
mathematically by a state vector, the components of which 
represent the minimum number of entities required to com- 
pletely describe the condition of the plant. As an example, 
if the plant were a passive electrical network, the re- 
quired state vector components could be inductor currents 
and capacitor voltages . 

This investigation was restricted to a discrete- 
sampled-data description of the plant and estimation scheme. 
The use of this mathematical framework leads to a sequen- 
tial filtering scheme. In this technique of estimation, as 
in most, a weighting is given to each observation according 
to how much new information it gives relative to that 
already received. In current practice this weighting or 
"filter gain" is calculated to minimize (or maximize) some 
performance index which has previously been defined. When 
linear operations on the data are employed and the index to 
be minimized is mean squared estimation error, the resulting 
estimation scheme is called a Kalman Filter. [1, 5]. 


The remainder of this Chapter includes the development 
of the plant model, a brief review of Kalman filter equations 
and a statement of the problem to be investigated. In Chap- 
ter 2, the results of some other recent investigations are 
discussed. In Chapter 3, a set of recursive equations for 
finding a measure of estimation degradation is derived, 
followed by three simple examples. Results of digital com- 
puter simulations using the derived equations for several 
examples are presented in Chapter 4 . Chapter 5 consists of 
comments on the results of the computer simulations. 


Mathematical formulation of the problem proceeds from 
the assumption that there exists a set of linear, constant 
coefficient, first order differential equations which 
adequately describe the plant, or message generating pro- 
cess. These are of the form 

X = Ax + Bu (1-1) 

Where x is the state vector of n components for an nth order 
system, u is the m x 1 input vector, and A is n x n, B is 
n X m, both matrices of constants. The sampled data matrix 
difference equation which gives response at sampling in- 
stants becomes 

x(k+l) = 4>(T)x(k) + r(T)u(k) (1-2) 

where 4>(T) is the n x n discrete state transition matrix, 
r (T) is the n X m input distribution matrix and u(k) is a 
sampled and zero order held input vector. Constant differ- 
ential equation coefficients are not necessary, but are used 
here for simplicity. The magnitude of each component of u(k) 


is assumed to be a normally distributed random variable 
with zero mean and known variance [5] . The observations of 
the system states are assiimed to be contaminated by additive 
gaussian white noise of zero mean and known variance. In 
matrix notation the observation vector £ at the kth samp- 
ling instant is given as 

£(k) = Hx(k) + v(k) (1-3) 

where H is the p x n observation matrix, here assumed known 
and constant and v(k) is the p x 1 vector of additive meas- 
urement noise. A block diagram depicting the above con- 
ditions is shown in Figure 1-1. The double lines represent 
vector signal flow. 


The sequential estimation technique developed by 
R.E. Kalman and expanded by others, takes the plant descrip- 
tion as defined in the preceding section, and produces an 
estimate ^(k/k) of the state vector x(k) at the kth 
iteration given k observations. This estimation scheme is 
commonly called the Kalman filter and can be described 
mathematically as 

5^(k/k) = $(T)^(k-l/k-l) + G(k) [z(k) - H$ (T) ^(k-l/k-1) ] 


where G(k) is the filter weighting or gain applied at 


the k^ iteration. This gain is calculated to minimize the 
scalar performance index 

J = E{ [x (k) -^(k/k) ] [x (k) -^(k/k) ] } (1-5) 

i.e., the mean square estimation error. 


?iG. 1-1 Tiie i-'laiit 1-Iodsl 


1-2 Kalman Filter Operations 

The calculation of G(k) is facilitated by defining a 
matrix of covariances of estimation error as 

P(k/k) s E{ [x(k)-x(k/k) ] [x(k)-^(k/k) ]^} (1-6) 

The trace of P(k/k) is of course simply J. With the further 
definition , 

P(k+l/k) E E{ [x(k+l)-^(k+l/k) ] [x(k+l)-^(k+l/k) ]^} 


the Kalman sequential equations can be stated as; 

P(k+l/k) = $(T)P(k/k)$'^(T) + Q(k) (1-8) 

G(k+1) = P(k+l/k)H'^[HP(k+l/k)H'^+R]"^ (1-9) 

P(k+l/k+l) = [I-G(k+l)H]P(k+l/k) 

- P (k+l/k)H'^G'^(k+l) 

+ G(k+1) [HP(k+l/k)H'^+R(k) ]G'^(k+l) (1-10) 

Equation 1-10 can be reduced to 

P(k+l/k+l) = [I-G(k+l)H]P(k+l/k) (1-11) 


R(k) E E { V (k) (k) } 

Q(k) E r (T)E{u(k)u'^(k) }r'^(t) 

E {• } = the expectation operation 

( ) = the transpose operation 

( ) the matrix inversion operation 
I = the identity matrix 

R(k) is a p X p diagonal matrix based upon a priori know- 
ledge of the average measurement noise power. Q(k) is an 
n X n matrix containing similar a priori information on the 
random excitation. Note that for the single input case, 
E{u(k)u (k) } is a scalar which has been given the symbol Q 
in the development to follow. Under assumptions of 


stationarity of input excitation and measurement noise 
statistics, is a constant and R is a constant matrix. 

For a scalar observation R is also a scalar. It is further 
assumed that excitation and measurement noise are statis- 
tically independent. A block diagram of filter operations 
is shown in Figure 1-2 . 

The derivation which leads from the definitions of 
P (k/k) and P(k+l/k), i.e. equations 1-6 and 1-7, to the 
recursive equations 1-8, 1-9, and 1-11, has been done in 
many ways by many authors since 1960 and will not be re- 
peated here [4, 7]. However, it will be shown that the 
recursive equations to be derived in Chapter 3 which 
account for filter degradation, reduce to the original 
Kalman equations when plant and filter models coincide, 
and the gain matrix is computed so as to minimize estima- 
tion errors . 


The problem under consideration can now be stated as; 
Given a plant most accurately described by equations 1-2 
and 1-3, what filter performance degradation results from 
the implementation of the Kalman filter equation 1-4, when 
the gain sequence calculated using equations 1-8, 1-9 and 
1-11 is based on a model of the plant which is incorrect 
in its representation of the plant dynamics? 




The practical difficulties encountered when attempting 
to identify a correct (or "best") mathematical model of a 
plant or process to be observed are not treated here. It is 
assumed that the identification has been done but is subject 
to errors or inaccuracies. The Kalman filter performance 
may be degraded by errors in any of the several quantities 
used in the calculation of the weighting G(k). (See 
equations 1-8, 1-9, 1-11). Numerous investigators have 
considered this problem; some of their results are summar- 
ized and commented upon below. Methods for practical 
implementation or error analysis have been included in some 
cases . 

In 1964 Fagin reported a generalized error analysis 
which included recursive equations for computing the incre- 
mental change in the covariance matrix when the filtering 
is done with an incorrect state transition matrix, and in- 
correct a priori noise statistics are used in computing 
gain [2] . The analysis allows a time varying observability 
matrix and sample interval. The assumed form of the plant 
in Fagin 's investigation is enough different from the form 
assiamed here that no attempt has been made to modify his re- 
sults to fit the framework of the problem given in Chapter 
1. A rough interpretation of those results using the 
notation of this paper, would be the effect of errors in 
4>(T),Q(k) and R.(k) matrices. 


The recursive equations must be provided with starting 
values. The estimate ^(0/0) must be provided as well as 
P(0/0) for the first gain calculation. Whenever possible, 
the values used for ^(0/0) should be typical of what might 
be expected for the first observation. For instance if 
the output state of a system is thought to have zero mean, 
ii^(0/0) should be set to zero. The initial covariance 
matrix P(0/0) must reflect some level of confidence in 
the initial filter state. Nishimura has defined an error 
matrix which is the difference between the actual covariance 
and that calculated by the filter [8] . He has shown that 
if the error matrix is non-negative definite, the actual co- 
variance of estimation error is bounded by the covariance 
that is calculated using the Kalman recursive equations 
for the optimum filter, i.e., equations 1-8, 1-9, and 
1-11. This suggests that the trace of P(0/0) be given 
large values to ensure that the trace of the error matrix 
is non-negative. If application is restricted to system 
models which are fixed and uniformly completely observable 
and controllable, in the control theory sense, then accord- 
ing to Kalman, the calculated covariance matrix will con- 
verge to some constant matrix after enough samples [6] . 

The number of iterations required to reach steady state 
also depends on P(0/0). If this matrix is initialized 
with overly "pessimistic" values to satisfy Nishimura 's 
stability condition, the filter may take too long to reach 
steady state in a given application. Therefore, when filter 
"settling time" is critical, the initialization of P(0/0) 


requires some additional knowledge of the variance of the 
plant states so that stability may be ensured without 
unnecessarily increasing settling time. For this investi- 
gation the initial filter state ^(0/0) is set to the same 
value as the plant initial vector and P(0/0) is set to the 
zero matrix. 

Normally stationary statistics are assxamed for the 
input excitation and measurement noise, making and R 
constant matrices. Errors in these quantities directly 
affect the elements of the steady state calculated co- 
variance matrix. In 1966, Heffes reported on the effects 
of both incorrect initial covariance matrix and incorrect 
noise statistics in the model [3] . He includes recursive 
expressions for calculated covariance and gain matrices 
based on the false values. Results of a computer simula- 
tion of a numerical example showed the variance of the 
first two states of a third order system as calculated 
from the equations was always larger than that actually 
being attained, the latter of course being still greater 
than the optimum, given the correct model. In order to 
better isolate the effects of erroneous identification of 
plant dynamics, and R will henceforth be assumed known 
and constant. 

During this investigation, the authors became aware 
of very similar work being performed by S.R. Neal at NOTS 
China Lake. When they are published, comparison of 
mathematical results of the two investigations should re- 
veal only differences in notation and assumption on the 


form of the plant model. Both consider plant dynamics as 
being misidentif ied in some way, resulting in errors in the 
assumed state transition matrix. By isolating this type of 
error, it may be possible to learn which of the types of 
error discussed in this chapter would have the most degrading 
effect on filter performance in a given application. Per- 
haps greater emphasis could then be placed on elimination 
of certain types of error when establishing the system 
mathematical model . 

The effects of any of the identification errors dis- 
cussed above can be found by producing a set of recursive 
expressions which will produce the matrix of actual error 
covariance P (k/k) and then comparing this with the 


covariance matrix P (k/k) produced by using the normal 


Kalman equations. Another very important comparison is 
that between P^(k/k) and the optimum result P^(k/k) 
obtained when the plant model is known exactly. The 
difference between these last two quantities gives the 
true "cost" of plant mis-identif ication in terms of 
variance of estimation error, and is the measure of degrad- 
ation used in this paper. These quantities are formally 
defined and a set of equations is developed for P (k/k) 
in Chapter 3 . 




As the first step toward a solution to the problem of 
filter performance degradation, a measure of degradation 
must be formally defined, along with the various covariances, 
according to the manner in which they were obtained. These 
definitions are as follows? 

The measure of filter performance degradation to be 
used is defined as the trace of the difference matrix AP 

AP = P (k/k) - P (k/k) (steady state) (3-1) 

P (k/k) is a n X n matrix, the elements of which are 


the covariance values of actual estimation error produced 
by the filter when a given (and possibly suboptimal) gain 

sequence G(i), i = 0,1,2, k is used in the filter 

equation 1-4, and there has been mis-identif ication of 
plant dynamics. The recursive equations to be developed 
in this chapter will produce P (k/k) . 

P (k/k) is a n X n matrix of the covariance values of 

estimation error which results when the optimum gain 

sequence G^(i), i = 0,1,2, k, is used in the filter 

equation 1-4, and there has been no mid-identification of 
plant dynamics. Equation 1-11 produces P^(k/k) provided 
there are no identification errors as discussed above. 

The third quantity to be defined is P (k/k) . This is 
a matrix of the covariance values of estimation error re- 
sulting when a given (and possibly suboptimal) gain se- 
quence G(i), i = 0,1,2, k, is used in the filter 


equation 1-4, and there has been mis-identification of 

plant dynamics. P (k/k) is a square matrix of the same 


dimensions as the order of the filter model. Equation 1-11 
produces P (k/k) provided there are identification errors 
as discussed above. The means of producing the three quan- 
tities defined above are diagrammed in Figure 3-1. 


An estimation problem that can be fitted to the Kalman 
filter framework is solvable by use of equations 1-4, 1-8, 
1-9, and 1-11. This requires that the plant be perfectly 
described by equations 1-2 and 1-3. However, when the 
filter employs an incorrect model, the recursively calcu- 
lated covariance (equation 1-11) is no longer optimum, so 
the performance index as given by equation 1-5 no longer 
applies. The objective of minimizing the mean squared 
error is still valid but the mean square error now becomes 
the trace of the actual covariance matrix of estimation 
error, P (k/k) . To distinguish the types of covariance 


mentioned thus far, subscripts have become necessary. In 
the derivation of P (k/k) which follows, the subscript f 
denotes filter quantities while the subscript p refers to 
the most accurate mathematical model of the plant or system. 

Suppose the matrix difference equation giving the 
response of a discrete system at sampling instants has 
been identified as 

x(k+l) = 4>^(T)x(k)+r^(T)u(k) (3-2) 


Pig. 3-1 The Three Types of Calculated Covariance 


when the most accurate description of the same system is 
given by, 

x(k+l) = $ (T)x(k)+r (T)u(k) (3-3) 

- P - P - 


$.(T)+6$(T) = $ (T) ; r.(T)+6r(T) = T (T) (3-4) 

t p f p 

Assxime the observation in either case is given by 

2 (k) = Hx(k)+v(k) (3-5) 

If the Kalman filter equations 1-8 through 1-10 were to be 

used, the filtering would be suboptimal, i.e., equation 1-5 

would not be minimi2ed. This is readily seen by noting 

that equation 1-8 becomes 

P(k+l/k) = 4>^(T)P(k/k) 4>^(T)+Q^ (3-6) 

and being independent of observed data, cannot reflect 
errors in $(T). The calculated gain which depends upon 
equation 3-6 would therefore be suboptimum. 


The errors 64>(T) and 6T(T) are taken into account as 
follows : 

Assume a plant has been misidentif ied as in the last 
section, equation 3-2, and a Kalman filter applied. The 
filter equation would be; 

^(k+l/k+1) = 4'^(T)^(k/k)+G(k+l)[Z(k+l)-H <I>^ (T) ^(k/k) ] 


If this equation and the correct plant description, equation 
3-3, are substituted into the appropriate quantities of the 
definition for P(k/k), equation 1-6, the resulting expres- 
sion becomes P (k/k) . This can be shown as follows (reducr- 

ing the index by one and dropping T from $(T) and T (T) ) , 


x(k)-^(k/k) = $ x(k-l) +r u (k-1) -$^£(k-k/k-l) 

P P ^ 

-G(k) t£(k) -Hf^x(k/k) ] 



f = $_+64> 
P f 


for convenience define 


f^-G(k) = 


6<I>-G(k)H6$ = 6$* 



r -G(k)Hr =r 
p p p 


then after some manipulation, equation 1-6 becomes, 

P^(k/k) = $*P^(k-l/k-l) 



+ 6'J>*E{x(k-l)x'^(k-l) 


+ 6$ Efx (k-1) }6f ^ 

+ r*E{u(k-l)u'^(k-l) }r*'^ 

p - - p 

+G (k) ETv (k) (k) >g'^ (k) (3-12) 

Now, taking the definition, equation 1-7, reducing the 
index by one and noting that 

k(k/k-l) = <J>^^(k-l/k-l) (3-13) 

then upon substitution of appropriate quantities, equation 


1-7 becomes 

P^(k/k-l) = $^P^(k-l/k-l) 

+$^E{x(k-l)x'^(k-l) }6$'^ 

-$^E{x(k-l/k-l)x'^(k-l) }6$'^ 

+ 6$E{x (k-1) x'^ (k-1) 

-6 $E{x (k-1) x"^ (k-l/k-1) 

+ 6fE{x(k-l)x'^(k-l) 

+r E{u(k-l)u'^(k-l) }r (3-14) 

p - - p 

Comparison of equation 3-12 with equation 3-14 and 
the use of the definitions in equations 3-9, 3-10, and 3-11, 
reveals that 

P^(k/k) = P^ (k/k-l)-G(k)HP^ (k/k-l)-P (k/k-1) h'^g'^ (k) 
a a a- a 

+G(k) [HP (k/k-l)H'^+R]G'^(k) (3-15) 


Kalman has shown that if gain is calculated from equation 
1-9, the trace of the right hand side of equation 3-15 is 
minimized, and the recursive equation 1-11 is obtained. It 
can be concluded here that given a known error 6$, the 
recursive equations which would be used for minimum variance 
estimates would be 1-9, 3-7, 1-11 and 3-14. 

That is to say, if a Kalman filter is to be applied 
with a known error 6$ in the model of plant dynamics, then 
minimum variance estimates can still be produced, provided 
the error 6 4> is taken into account by use of equations 1-9, 
3-7, 1-11 and 3-14. Except for the case of intentional 


mis -mode ling for the sake of order reduction, the f-rrox 6<1> 
would of course be used to correct <I>^ and the original 
optimal Kalman filter equations 1-8, 1-9 and 1-11 would be 
used . 


Equation 3-15 is entirely suitable for use as a recur- 
sive expression for computer simulation. However, equation 
3-14 must be adapted from its present form to one which 
avoids explicit use of the expectation operation. The 
approach taken was to define the matrix quantities 

D(k) = E{x(k)x'^(k) } (3-16) 

K(k) S E{^(k/k) x"^ (k) } (3-17) 

Matrix algebra and the advance of index yields (from equa- 
tion 3-14) 

P(k+l/k) = <I>^P(k/k)4>^'^+4)^D(k)6f^-<J)jK(k)6$'^ 

+ 6$'^D'^(k) 4>^'^-64'K^(k) 4>.'^+64'D(k) 6$"^+Q (3-18) 

r r p 

Equation 3-18 is in usable form, but requires recursive ex- 
pressions for D(k) and K(k). These are obtained from the 
definitions (equations 3-16 and 3-17) : 

D(k+1) = Efx(k+l)x^(k+l) }=E{ t4> x(k)+r u(k)][<J> x(k)+r u(k)]'^} 

- - p- p- p- p- 


Expanding the right hand side and noting that u(k) and x(k) 
are uncorrelated, 

D(k+1) = 4> E{x (k) x'^ (k) }4» "^+r E{u (k) u"^ (k) }r 

P-- PP -- p 

= 4> D(k) 4- '^+Q (3-20) 

P P P 


Similar manipulations with the definition of K(k+1) yield 
K(k+1) 5 E{k(k+l/k+l)x'^(k+l) } 

= [I-G(k+1)H] 4>^K(k) 4> ’^+G(k+l)HD(k+l) (3-21) 

f P 

The iterative expressions derived are now summarized in the 
proper order for calculation: 

P(k+l/k) = $^P(k/k)$^'^+'l>^D(k) 6$‘^-<I>^K(k) 

+ 6$D(k) $^‘^-6fK‘^(k) <I>^‘^+6$D(k) 6$“^ 

+Q (3-18) 


G(k+1) = P(k+l/k)H'^[HP(k+l/k)H'^+R] (1-9) 

P(k+l/k+l) = P(k+l/k)-G(k+l)HP(k+l/k) -P(k+l/k)H'^G'^(k+l) 
+G(k+1) [HP(k+l/k)H'^+R]G'^(k+l) (3-15) 

D(k+1) = $ D(k)$ '^+Q (3-20) 

P P P 

K(k+1) = [I-G(k+1)H] $.K(k) $ "^+G (k+1) HD (k+1) (3-21) 

t P 

Several comments on the appearance of equation 1-9 in this 
list are appropriate at this time. First, if the plant is 
correctly identified i.e., 6$ = 0, then it is 

obvious that equation 3-18 reverts to 1-8 and equation 3-15 
is of course equation 1-10. Equations 3-20 and 3-21 would 
still exist but would not be used in 3-18, therefore stan- 
dard Kalman filtering results. Second, if the plant is 
mis-identif ied, the use of equation 1-9 in the order shown 
will produce the set of minimum variance estimates to be 
used in the case of order reduction mis-modeling , mentioned 
above. Third, if any other gain sequence is produced ex- 
ternally to equations 3-18, 3-15, 3-20 and 3-21 then 


equation 3-15 will give the actual covariance of esc^iuarion 
error that would result when the gain sequence supplied is 
utilized in the Kalman filter equation 1-4. 


One of the original objectives of this investigation 
was to find an analytic expression for the sensitivity of 
the performance index J to plant identification errors. 

This would be of the form. 

dJ = -1^ da- + da„ + • 

where is one of the plant parameters subject to mis- 
identif ication. The development of such an expression 
would involve finding total differentials for each of the 
trace elements of (steady state) and then adding to get 
d J . If the filter is stable and P^(k/k) eventually reaches 
a constant value, an implicit expression for the steady 
state covariance is easy to obtain by setting P^(k+l/k+l) 
equal to P^(k/k) . The difficulty lies in the amount of 
algebra involved when the system order is two or greater. 
Each partial derivative of an element of the covariance 
matrix is a function of all the other elements. 

To then find partial derivatives of the steady state 
covariance matrix trace elements, P (k/k) is considered 
along with its definition, 

P(k/k) = E{x(k)x'’^(k) -^(k/k)x'’^(k) -x(k)«'^(k/k)+^(k/k)^'^(k/k) } 
= D(k) -K(k) -K'’^(k)+E{i^(k/k)i^'^(k/k) } 


The sum of the terms on the right hand side reaches a con- 
stant or steady state value. Moreover, it can be shown 
that in a stable system in which $ (T) ^ I each of the terms 
in the sum becomes constant. For example, in the stable 
time invariant plant with feedback, the average "power" in 
the states D(k) becomes a constant times the driving "power" 

Therefore, D(k+1) is set equal to D(k); an implicit 

9 D 

function is obtained and ij , where a is a plant parameter 

n 9P. . 


can be found. The partial derivative will be the sum 

of the similar quantities on the right hand side of equation 
3-22. The procedure is straightforward, but the amount of 
algebra is prohibitive. No better method was found. 


The examples which follow will serve to demonstrate 
how rapidly algebraic complication can arise with slight in- 
creases in plant complexity. All are scalar cases, making 
the performance index J equal to the steady state covariance 
P. For the two simplest examples a sensitivity function is 
calculated, as well as the actual filter degradation ex- 
pression. For the low pass filter example, a means of 
obtaining the sensitivity function is discussed, but it is 
not done. In that example only the degradation expression 
is included as a function of the plant parameter. 

Example 1: A Simple Amplifier 

Consider the plant shown in figure 3-2. The state x 
at the kth sampling instant is given as x (k) = a u (k) . 

By comparison with the usual state space discrete notation 


it can be seen that $(T) = 0; I (T) = a 

The kth observation is written as Z (k) - x(k)+v(k) 

Suppose that optimal estimates ^ (k/k) of the state x are 
required. Then application of equation (1-4) yields 

k(k/k) = G(k)Z(k) (3-23) 

V (k) 

Fig. 3-2 

The Simple Amplifier 

Applying equations (1-8) , (1-4) , and (1-11) for optimum 

filtering, the recursive sequence becomes 

Filter gain: G(k+1) = (3-24) 




Error Covariance (variance) : P (k/k) = — ^ (3-25) 



Conditional Error variance: P(k+l/k) = Q=a fi(3-26) 

Substitution of the expression for gain into equation 3-23 

k(k/k) = ^ — Z(k) (3-27) 

a f^+R 


Recalling that fi is the variance of the perturbation and R 

. . 2 
IS the variance of the measurement noise, the quantity a 

could be thought of as the average signal "power" and R as 

the average noise "power" , making the optimal weighting 

signal power 

signal power + noise power 

which satisfies intuition for the case of observing a signal 
in noise. 

The sensitivity function for this example can be found 
easily by differentiating equation 3-25 with respect to the 
plant parameter. 



(a^fi+R) ^ 


Now suppose that the true plant is as shown in figure 
3-2, but that the amplification has been incorrectly identi- 
fied as a^ where a=a^ + 6a. Application of the Kalman 
filter equations then gives a calculated gain 

G = (3-29) 

a ,fJ+R 
® f 

If this gain is used to estimate x, the degradation due to 
misidentif ication can be found as the difference between the 
covariance resulting from using equations 3-18 and 3-15 and 
the optimum value. Substitution of into equations 3-18 
and 3-15 yields 

P (k/k) = fl+Ra ) (3-30) 

(a^^fi+R) ^ 

Note than when a^= a this reduces to equation 3-25, as re- 
quired. The degradation in performance P is therefore 


obtained by subtracting the right hand side of equacj.or. 3-2 5 
from P (k/k) as given in equation 3-30. 

Degradation AP = - P^ 


„ 2 „ 2 , 2 2.2 

R (a -a^ ) 

(a^^+R) ^ (a^fi+R) 


Figure 3-3 shows degradation in the performance index J as 
a per cent of the optimum versus percentage error in the 
plant parameter. The values used were 
R = .01; Q = 1.0; a^ = 20.0 

Degradation in this example is very slight; an error of 30% 
in identification degrades the filter performance by only 
.00133%. This may be partially explained by noting that the 
degradation function shown is approximately directly propor- 
tional to the square of the measurement noise variance, 
and that a very low value was chosen for R. Nevertheless, 
it can be concluded that the Kalman filter performance is 
not very sensitive to plant identification in this applica- 
tion . 

Example 2. Integrator-Amplifier 

As another example of only slightly greater difficulty, 
consider the plant described by the transfer function 

X (s) 

u ( s) 




Figure 3-4 shows the discrete representation of this plant. 


St “ SI -p 

^ X 1 oo> 


Pig. 5-3 Degi-adation for the Simple Amplifier 



u(k) ^ 

hOj _x (k+l_) 





* 0 - 1 - 


Fig. 3-4 


The difference equation describing the response at sampling 
instants is 

x^k+l) = x(k) +aTu(k) (3-33) 

with the observation again consisting of a single state plus 
noise. Examination of equation 3-33 reveals that 

4>(T) = 1; r(T) = aT 

Q = (3-34) 

The Kalman filter equations 1-8, 1-9 and 1-11 become, 

P(k+l/k) = P(k/k)+Q (3-35) 

- g!k - !^i - /glR 

The steady state covariance can be found by equating 
P (k+l/k+1) to P(k/k). As in the previous example, this 
is optimum filtering when identification of the plant 


parameter a is perfect. The resulting covariance is the 
solution to a quadratic equation, viz.. 

= I [/Q"+-1RQ-Q) (3-38) 

Substitution for Q yields 

Po = ^[/r2^a‘*T‘^+4Rfia^T^-fta^T^] (3-39) 

Sensitivity of the steady state optimum covariance to the 
plant parameter a becomes 






The sensitivity function was easily obtained in this example, 
and could be used to determine degradation for small pertur- 
bations in the parameter a. 

As in the previous example, it is now assumed that a^ 
was used as the amplification value in the filter model, 
and the gain sequence resulting from the misidentif ication 
is known. The final value of the filter gain could be 
found by manipulation of equations 3-35, 3-36 and 3-37 to 

Gf = ^[v^^+lRQ^-Qf] (3-41) 

This is the steady state value of the gain sequence used for 
the erroneous filter models and therefore can be used to find 
the actual value of steady state covariance. The actual 
steady state covariance is again found by proper substitu- 
tions in equations 3-18 and 3-15 to be 

P + 




Comparison of equations 3-41 and 3-38 reveals rhat ii 
identification were perfect, the optimum steady state o,,- 
variance would be 

P = G R (3-43) 

o o 

The degradation due to identification error then becomes 



P -P 
a o 

(1-G^) ^Qp+Gg^R(l+G^)-2G^G^R 


From equation 3-34 

Q = (2a^T^ (3-45) 


If equation 3-45 is substituted for in equation 3-41 the 
final value of the optimum gain sequence results 

G == ^t/ji^a‘’T‘*-i-4RQa^T^-fia^T^ ] “ (3-46) 

O /R 

Again using equation 3-34 to obtain and substitution the 
result into equation 3-41 yields 

Gf = /Q2a^‘'T‘* + 4Rf2a^^f^-fta^^T^] (3-47) 

Substitution of equations 3-45, 3-46, and 3-47 into equation 
3-44 gives the degradation as a function of a and a^. It can 
be shown that equation 3-44 becomes zero as required, when 
G^ = Gj. A graph of equation 3-44 is shown in figure 3-5. 

The constants used were 

R = .01; = 1.0; a^ = 20.0 

As in the previous example, degradation is not very great 
with considerable errors in identification, for the a priori 
noise statistics chosen. 



X 100^ 

Pig. 3-5 Degradation for the Integrator-Amplifier 


A final comment on this example is tnat althou-jt che 
assumption that the individual terms on the right hand iide 
of equation 3-22 become constant does not hold for this 
plant, the results obtained by using equations 3-15 and 3-18 
are still valid. This will be the case whenever $(T) is the 
identity matrix or unity as it is in this example. 

Example 3. Low Pass Filter 

The plant shown in Figure 3-6 represents a more meaning- 
ful example and is not too complicated for algebraic analysis. 
This is the discrete model for the continuous system trans- 
fer function. 

X ( s) _ a 
u(s) st-a 

V (k) 

Fig. 3-6 
Low Pass Filter 


The difference equation describing the plant is 

x(k+l) = e ^'^x(k) + (l-e ^'^)u(k) (3-48) 

therefore $(T) = r (T) = 

The observation is again 

z(k) = x(k) + v(k) 

The plant parameter is again a. 

As in the previous example, it will be assumed that mis- 
identif ication has resulted in an erroneous filter model, 

i .e . , 

$^(T) = e'^f"^; r^(T) = l-e'^f"^ 

It is further assumed that the gain calculation is based on 
the Kalman equations, resulting in the following steady 
state gain: 


_ tf'VOf 


Now the effects of the erroneous identification can be found 
by using equations 3-18, 3-15, 3-20 and 3-21, along with the 
gain as given in equation 3-49. However the steady state 
value of P(k/k) is required which for this example is the 
solution of a quadratic scalar equation. From the Kalman 
equations it can be shown that 

Pc = 2^2 [R4>f^-Qf-R+/TQp^R=MJ^T^+lRQj^^] (3-50) 

Substitution of equation 3-50 into 3-49 yields an expression 
for Gj in terms of plant variables only. 

^+4RQ $ 2 

Gj = — (3-51) 

R$f ^+Qf+R+/(Qf+R-R$f ^T^ + 4RQf<I>f 



It should be noted that a sensitivity function ^ could 

have been obtained by solving for P(k/k) in equation 3-49 

substituting for the steady state gain from equation 3-51, 

and then forming ^^c , , ^^f and ^^f . However, the 

9Q^ f 9a 9 a 

expressions obtained are unwieldy and reveal little insight 
into the problem of filter degradation. The sensitivity 
function approach has the further limitation of small param- 
eter variations whereas the application of equations 3-18, 
3-15, 3-20, 3-21 does not. If the gain as given by equation 
3-51 is used for the filter, equations 3-18, 3-15, 3-20, 

3-21 give the conditional covariance of estimation error as 
the following 

P^(k-HA) = $^^P^(k/k)K$2_$2) D(k)-2$^(fp-$^)K(k)+Qp 


Again, it is obvious that when plant model and filter model 
coincide, the result is the Kalman equation for conditional 
covariance. Proceeding to the expression for the steady 
state covariance of estimation error, one obtains 

1- 2G^+G - ^ 

= r io r f (4> 

a. p r a tprap 


Where D and K are the steady state values of E{x^} and 
a a 

E{xii} respectively. These are found by equating the values 

t h th 

at the (k+1) iteration to those for the k iteration as 

follows : 

D(k+1) = 4> ^D(k)+Q ; D = ^ P ... 

p a l-$ ' 



K(k+1) = K(k)+G.D(k+l) ; K 

i I p I 3i 


Substituting equations 3-54 and 3-55 into 3-53 one obtains 
an expression for the actual steady state covariance in 
terms of the gain 

Where G^ is the steady state gain obtained by using Kalman 

equations with the correct model, as in equation 3-51. 

Making substitutions for G^ and G^ the degradation in 

filter performance can be found as 

AP = P - P 
a o 

i.e., equation 3-56 minus equation 3-57. 

P = 



Equation 3-56 shows that when the expression for 

optimum covariance would be 





The great increase in complexity of sensitivity 
functions which accompanies the slightest increase in 
system complexity was readily evident in Chapter 3. 

Even a scalar case such as the low pass filter with a 
single pole produces unwieldy algebraic expressions for 
sensitivity. For systems of second order or higher, it 
appears to be more advantageous to perform a computer 
simulation of some specific case. This portion of the 
investigation was performed on the CDC 1604 Digital 
Computer and consisted of four parts. The first was a 
verification of the algorithm derived in Chapter 3 
(equations 3-18, 3-15, 3-20 and 3-21). This algorithm, 
while ostensibly accurate, provides numerous opportunities 
for error in its implementation. The remaining simu- 
lations were investigations of specific examples to 
test the utility of the recursive solution in actual 
problems. The desired end result was a means of knowing 
the degradation of filter performance as a function of 
error in one or more plant parameters, given the filter 
operating parameter values. Such information, along with 
the knowledge (or an estimate) of the accuracy of the 
filter model parameters, could be useful in deciding 
whether more (or less) accurate identification is called 
for. For example, assume the model for a second order 
system uses a damping factor and a natural frequency 


which through some previous error analysis are known 
to be accurate within 10 per cent. A look at the steady 
state solution obtained from the recursive equations 
based on ten per cent errors will provide the actual 
degradation in filter performance if the plant parameters 
lie on the tolerance limit. 

For this example, suppose that this amount of 
degradation from optimum is incompatable with the 
estimation accuracy requirements . By examining the re- 
sults for various lower parameter errors it will become 
apparent to what accuracy the parameters must be iden- 
tified. A flow chart for this type of investigation is 
shown in Figure 4-1. Given a gain sequence, an estimate 
of parameter error, the filter model and the correct fi, 

R, and H matrices; the quantities cj)^, 4)^, , and 

can be found and used to implement a recursive sequence 
of equations 3-18, 3-15, 3-20 and 3-21. In all examples 
which follow, the filter model employs correct initial- 
ization and accurate fl and R matrices. All are single 
input systems with only one observed state making and 
R scalars, with values taken as 1.0 and 0.01 respectively. 


Equations 3-18, 3-15, 3-20 and 3-21 of Chapter 3 
were verified by comparing the actual steady state 
covariance matrix trace with that obtained by driving 
a simulated plant, observing the entire state vector 
and computing the quantity [ (x - ^) (x - x) ] . This was 


Model Parameters Parameter Errors 

Degradation due to Aa ' s 

Fig, 4-1 Calculation of Filter Performance Degradation 


done for each filter-plant combination for 1000 different 
random sequences of driving and measurement noise, pre- 
serving the average values at each successive iteration. 

At least 30 iterations at steady state were used. The 
ensemble averages were then averaged in time, giving 
30 samples from which hypothesis testing could be done. 

The entire procedure above was repeated for numerous 
points including from zero to 20 per cent errors in each 
plant parameter in order to verify that no programming 
errors existed in the calculation of actual steady state 
covariance . 


Next, a numerical example of two-parameter sen- 
sitivity was performed using the method outlined in 

Figure 4-1. The second order model was chosen to be of 


the form __f (4-1) 

s^ + 2'i;^W^S + 

with filter parameters and taken as Cos(tt/4) and 
10.0, respectively. The plant was assumed to be driven 
and sampled at 0.1 second intervals, with initial con- 
ditions zero, and with xx the only observable state. 

The plant parameters ? and w were varied from zero to 

P P 

+50% of those used by the filter model. For each set of 
plant parameters, the difference between the actual 
covariance trace and that which could be obtained if the 
filter matched the plant is computed and stored. The re- 
sulting values are points on a bowl-shaped surface which 


100 % 


Fig. 4-2 Degradation vs Parameter Errors 

(2-paraimeter model) 

o o 

are then contoured by linear interpolation into the 
plane. Figure 4-2 shows the resulting contour map. The 
contours are marked as a percentage degradation from the 
optimal trace as a function of the percentage error in 
the filter parameters. Such a graph could assist not 
only in the type of decision mentioned earlier, but also 
in a determination of which direction of error is more 
costly by considering the "gradient" of the surface in 
the various directions in the parameter plane. 


The case in which a third order system with a 
complex conjugate pair of poles and a remote real pole 
is to be filtered by a second order model was also 
considered as a numerical example. The erroneous filter 
model was based on the plant transfer function 

X(S) ^ 2 (4-2) 

U(S) s^ + 2s + 2 

While optimum filter used the model 

X(S) = 2a (4-3) 

U(S) (s^ + 2s + 2) (s + a) 

where a was allowed to vary from 50 to 0.5 in increments 
of 0.5. Both models are type 0 with the same complex 
poles, since this is considered to be a case of deliberate 
misidentif ication. 

The recursive matrix equations were made compatible 
by the addition of a row and column of zeros in the state 
transition matrix for the filter and used as before. 


Pig. 4-3 Degradation vs Parameter Errors 
(3 parameter model, 1 Incorrect) 


Another minor difference is that only the upper two 
elements of the diagonal were used when considering the 
trace of the covariance matrix of estimation error, since 
only two of the three plant states were estimated. The 
parameter becomes the value of the real part for the 
remote pole and the expected result is a monotonic 
increasing degradation as the pole location becomes 
less remote. Figure 4-3 shows a typical graph of this 


A numerical exeimple similar to c above was 
simulated in which a fourth order type 0 system with two 
complex conjugate pole pairs was reduced to a second 
order filter type 0 model with the dominant pole pair 
identified exactly. The sensitivity parameters were 
taken as the damping factor ^ and natural frequency to 
associated with the remote complex pole pair. The pole 
locations for the plant were taken to be representative 
of the short period and phugoid oscillatory modes in 
the linearized model of an aircraft over a limited flight 
regime. The interpretation would be to find the degra- 
dation in estimation of altitude and altitude rate which 
results from ignoring the short period vertical oscilla- 
tions of the airframe produced by elevator perturbations 
and air gusts. The results are shown in Figure 4-4. 

The numerical values used for the accurate model were 

wi = 1.15, i;i = .35, 0)2 = .073, ?2 = .035 (4-4) 


100 % 

0 ), - 0 ) 

— — X 100% 


Pig. 4-4 Degradation vs Parameter Errors 
(4 parameter model, 2 incorrect) 


while the erroneous model was taken as 

w = .073, ^ = .035 (4-5) 

The parameter was allowed to vary from .175 to .525, 
with values of wi from .575 to 1.725. 




The principal result of this investigation has been 
the derivation of an algorithm to replace the Kalman filter 
gain calculation when errors in the model of the dynamics 
of an observed system are known to exist. This algorithm 
can be used in two ways: either as a means for producing 
optimal estimates in a low order filter, or to determine 
the cost of parameter mis-identif ication in terms of 
estimation accuracy for some specific system. In the 
first application, the reduction in computation time 
associated with low order filtering is partially negated 
by the requirement for making two additional calculations 
at each iteration. Therefore such an application probably 
would become profitable only if the system model order can 
be reduced by two or more in the filter. It is felt 
that the use of equations 3-18, 3-15, 3-20 and 3-21 with 
various suboptimal gain sequences could assist in n\amer- 
ous design studies. An example would be the study of fil- 
ter performance degradation where a single filter model 
is to be used with many plants, each having slightly 
different parameters. Another example would be appli- 
cation of a Kalman filter scheme to a system with 
parameters which vary slowly with time. 

Development of the recursive expressions for cal- 
culating the actual covariance of estimation error, together 
with the computer simulation to test their utility, has 


revealed some interesting sidelights. Perhaps the most 
significant of these is the difficulty in obtaining a 
sensitivity function in the usual sense for other than the 
scalar cases. The second order, two-parameter case 
yields a set of four simultaneous non-linear matrix 
equations from which the partial derivatives must be 
produced. Thus, the sensitivity function approach was 
abandoned in favor of the recursive solution of actual 
degradation . 

Another interesting result was the fact that, in the 
particular numerical examples used in Chapter 4 the fil- 
ter performance degradation was not nearly as great as 
the authors had anticipated. The two-parameter degra- 
dation contours shown in Figure 4-2 describe a bowl- 
shaped surface in the "parameter error plane" as would 
be expected. However, the surface has a relatively flat 
bottom and allows considerable parameter error in certain 
directions without exceeding a one per cent degradation 
in performance. In view of the analytical results of the 
scalar examples in Chapter 3, the gradient of this surface 
near its minimum is considered to depend heavily on the 
values chosen for and R. It is known that the ratio 
f2/R greatly affects variance reduction in most tracking 
filters. The higher this value, the greater will be 
the variance reduction. The numerical ratio used in all 
examples was 100 which is probably optimistic. A study 


of the effect of this ratio on the gradieix», of the 
surface of figure 4-2 might verify the foregoing 
remarks . 

From the examples of a low-order filter model, it 
appears that the idea of second order dominance for more 
complicated systems may have promise in certain digital 
filter applications. Although each specific application 
requires a simulation such as those in Chapter 4 , much 
of the guesswork associated with exactly what constitutes 
second order dominance can be eliminated, once the sim- 
ulation is performed. This subject might warrant further 
investigation to learn just how "remote" higher order 
system poles must be, how the values R, and fl/R 
affect estimation accuracy, etc. 

A related effect of erroneous filter models noted 
in this investigation was a significant increase in the 
number of iterations required to achieve "steady state" 
in the calculated covariance as model errors increased. 

The filter "settling time" naturally depends heavily on 
initialization of ^ (O/Oj and P(0/0), but dependence on 
errors in the plant model can further aggravate the 
situation. Filter settling time or "lock-on" can be 
very critical in certain applications such as fire control 
systems. This is another area which could be explored 
further . 

While the main objectives of this investigation 
have been realized, the Kalman filter is far from a dead 


issue. On the contrary, completion of this work has 
served to open several new questions which can lead to 
successful application of the theoretical concepts 
embodied in optimal state estimation. 



1. Bode, H. W, , et al . A Simplified Derivation of 

Linear Least Square Smoothing and Prediction 
Theory, Proceedings of the IcR.E, April, 1950. 
pp. 417-425. 

2. Fagin, S. L, Recursive Linear Regression Theory, 

Optimal Filter Theory, and Error Analysis of 
Optimal Systems, IEEE Convention Record. 1964. 
pp, 230-235. 

3. Heffes, H. The Effect of Erroneous Models on the 

Kalman Filter Response. Institute of Electrical and 
Electronic Engineers , Transactions on Automatic 
Control, AC-11, No 3, July 1966. pp. 541-543. 

4. Jardine, F. D. Optimal Filter Design for Sampled 

Data Systems with Illustrative Examples. Naval 
Postgraduate School ,, M.S, Thesis J294, 1965. 

5. Kalman, R, E. A New Approach to Linear Filtering 

and Prediction Theory. Transactions of the ASME . 

Journal of Basic Engineering. v, 82, March, 1960. 
pp. 35-45, 

6. Kalman, R. E., et. al - New Results in Linear Filtering 

and Prediction Theory, Transactions of the ASME . 

Journal of Basic Engineering. March, 1961. pp, 95-108. 

7 . Lee , R - C . K Optimal Estimation, Identification 

and Control , Cambridge, MIT Press, 1964. 

8. Nishimura, T. On the a Priori Information in 

Sequential Estimation Problems, Institute of 
Electrical and Electronic Engineers , Transactions 
on Automatic Control. V. AC-11, No, 2, April 1966. 
pp, 197-204 o 



No. Copies 

1. Defense Documentation Center 20 

Cameron Station 

Alexandria, Virginia 22314 

2 . Library 2 

Naval Postgraduate School 

Monterey, California 

3. Naval Ship Systems Command 1 

Department of the Navy 

Washington, D.C. 20360 

4. Prof. James S. Demetry 2 

Department of Electrical Engineering 

Naval Postgraduate School 
Monterey, California 

5. LCDR Larry B. Nofziger, USN 2 

Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters 
Washington, d.C. 20360 

6. LT Gerald Lee Devins, USN 1 

Patrol Squadron Forty-Seven 

FPO San Francisco, California 

7. S. R. Neal 1 

Naval Ordnance Test Station 

China Lake, California 

8. Prof. Harold A. Titus 1 

Department of Electrical Engineering 

Naval Postgraduate School 
Monterey, California 



S*curity CU—iftcMtion 


cl— i/I— «on ol »< ah»*tmel «ti4 •nnatmtimn mmpi k* wMw «<» >*»«>» —ptt <> 



Naval Postgraduate School 

Monterey, California 

2 9. 



4 * OKKMI^TIVK NOTKt (Typm ot fpttrt amd IroImoIvo 


«. AUTHORW (Z.MI iMMi*. Mmt rum*, htlhml) 

NOFZIGER, LARRY BLAYNE , Lieutenant Commander, USN 


June 1967 

7 a- TOTAL NO. or OAOCa 



k, #nOJBCT NO. 


f S. mtmr 9m 



12. •aONSOaiNO military activity’ 

Naval Postgraduate School 
Monterey, California 


This investigation is concerned with the effects of 
employing a Kalman filter to estimate the states in a 
system for which the mathematical model is inaccurate. 
Consideration is given to both intentional and uninten- 
tional mis-identif ication of parameters in the assumed 
plant dynamics. An algorithm consisting of four matrix 
equations is derived which yields the actual covariance 
of estimation error when errors in the assumed model are 
known. Depending upon the gain sequence used, the 
derived equations can be used to either 1) produce optimal 
estimates when errors are deliberate or 2) aid in the 
determination of mis-identif ication costs in terms of 
filter performance degradation if the relative accuracy 
of parameter identification is known. 

. Analytic examples of scalar cases are included, as 
well as computer simulations for specific higher order 
systems, including the employment of a second order 
filter model with a fourth order plant. 



1 JAN 44 



S«cutity Clauification 


Security Classification 

